
For the runner, who's not a runner, but is trying to be a runner...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Running is my Yoga

Yesterday, I submitted an application for an apartment in Jamaica Plain. Gentlemen, picking an apartment for you and your wife without her there is high pressure. I don't recommend it. But I remembered to look for closet space, so 10 points for me.

Jamaica Plain should be the best of both worlds for the 2 of us. I'll have lots of great running spaces and G will be surrounded by the Vegeletariet (voting block of vegetarians). I see JP as Boston's Hippieviille. Actually, more luck Hippie-Yuppie-ville. JP is for the Hippies and Yuppies who think and act like they're Hippies. It's AWESOME.

It shouldn't be too hard for G (G is my wife) to find yoga nearby. She got into Yoga at the same time that I started running. I venture to say it has changed her life. Go look this one up on google images-- it's only a matter of time before she's in the Scorpion pose. She can already do a headstand. BADASS. Meanwhile, I can ALMOST touch my toes.

It's kind of a running joke that I won't ever try yoga. But I'm finding my own ways to meditate while running. Since the move to Boston in August, I have not once run to music. I've been running to the beat of my own drum. What I've noticed is without musical distraction, running provides the best time to step back and evaluate what's on your mind. I'm embarrased to admit that during roughly half of my runs, I'm thinking about sports, sports news, fantasy sports, fantasy sports news...sigh. I need to get a life.

Fair warning-- the next paragraph of this post is nacho cheesy.

But recently, I've been thinking a lot about G. She's a trooper. She's the one who got me into this running thing in the first place. A year ago, G is the one who reminded me how much I liked training for the 2006 Brooklyn Half Marathon. And then she reminded me again. And when my initiative for signing up for the first race was roughly equal to my initiative for cleaning the bathroom, she's the one who went on the website with me and made me do it. She's the one who came out in the middle of a sub zero January race to cheer me on (though we didn't see each other at the finish line). The New York City Marathon is on Sunday. One year for Sunday (knock on wood), I will run this race for me. But I would not be there if it wasn't for her.


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Love you guys.

  2. for a second i thought the sharsh (short for G) got you into yoga.. oh well.
