
For the runner, who's not a runner, but is trying to be a runner...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Demoralizerization and Incentiveator 3 and 3

We're overdue for one of these sections.

Demoralizerization 3: Running Shorts...On Men

I'd like to meet the man (or woman) who designed these. To be fair, the fabric is typically good for running. And I suppose if you're professional or even just really into running, the shape of these suckers is perfect. No unnecessary fabric on skin rubbing...I get it. In fact, I feel it's an inevitable moment when you are getting serious about running that you go to the store and try a pair. "Hey, these are really comfortable! I get it! And only 20 bucks! Super!" So you leave the store. But let me ask you a question. Have you noticed that all running stores have mirrors only for your feet? There's a reason. And that reason is my pasty white legs.

Gentlemen, I know a healthy dose of confidence is important. I'm all for you wearing the thing that you feel good in. But if you "feel good" in running shorts and you're not Kenyan-- well, I beg you to reconsider.

True story, I bought a pair and realized they were too short only when I had gotten to the park. Fabric has a way of moving differently when you're running...can't really explain that one if you don't get it. Maybe the "uh oh" eyes of all living creatures in a one mile radius clued me in. Needless to say, those shorts were retired after just three miles. Dad, please note...this post can also be applied to ALL of your running gear.

Incentiveator 3: Running in the Rain

Let's not get carried away. I'm not saying it's wise to go outside during Hurricane Gargamel and pull a Lieutenant Dan. But on those misty days-- or even in a heavy drizzle-- you'll feel like a bad mama jamma. Think of it this way-- if you run hard enough, you're going to sweat anyway. In the summer a nice rain can feel like auto-cooling system. Everybody who sees you out there will think-- "dang, that guy's hard core." And you'll think, "you know what? I am hard core." Cause you are. So the next time you hear yourself say, "Nah, it's raining. Can't run," give it a go. You'll see.

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